EnigmA Amiga Run 1995 November
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso
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AMOS Mailing List FAQ
Updated August 7, 1995 by Michael Cox (mcox@access.digex.net)
(Items marked with ^ are new since last submission)
1. To subscribe or unsubscribe send the message to either me or
amos-request@access.digex.net. DO NOT send them to the amos-list
address. Put SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message
so I know what you want.
2. Do NOT mail files larger than 4kb to the list as some people pay for
the size of messages. If you want to distribute a file that is larger
than 4kb:
a) upload it to Aminet and post an announcement to the
b) email it to me and I will upload it to Aminet
c) post a message to the list asking who wants it mailed to them
and then mail it to those who give permission
3. Arguments over anything should be done via private email.
4. If a message to you is returned undeliverable, I will check the reason
why and then decide if I should delete you from the list. So, if you
do not get messages for 2 days in a row, email me and I will let you
know what has happened.
5. No messages about pirating, removing protection from demos, etc. I
don't have time to be a policeman, so let's try to be self-policing!
1) What is AMOS?
AMOS is a BASIC language. It has many more commands than AmigaBASIC
and can let you do more powerful things so it is a Superset of BASIC. If you
can program in BASIC, you can code in AMOS. I think AMOS stands for AMiga
Operating System but do not quote me on it!
AMOS is an interpreted language but you can buy the Compiler for it
which will let you compile your programs into an AmigaDOS executable. Then
you can distribute your program without its source. Obviously, compiled
programs are much faster. If you do not want to pay for the Compiler you can
still distribute your programs using a runtime version of AMOS called RAMOS.
2) What is AMOS Pro and Easy AMOS?
Well, first a bit of history. AMOS The Creator (AMOS) came first.
Then, Easy AMOS was developed. Finally, less than a year ago (Oct 1992)
AMOS Professional (Pro) was released.
AMOS The Creator was first designed to be like the Atari's STOS but
when Lionet saw how the Amiga was more powerful than the Atari he revamped it
and made it a pure Amiga product. In the beginning AMOS and the manual were
rough and found it hard to get along with all Amigas. However, due to the
policy of free updates, AMOS is much more friendly to the AmigaOS. The manual
has not been updated so do not be surprised to find 'undocumented' commands and
Easy AMOS was designed to help introduce beginner programmers to AMOS
and programming. A few commands were removed from AMOS and a better user
interface was created to make the environment as friendly as possible. Also,
the manual was designed with the beginner in mind and is more of a tutorial
than a reference manual.
AMOS Professional was designed with the professional coder in mind.
The environment was revamped and made even better than Easy AMOS. It has a
cleaner look with a better editor. Also, many new commands were added, making
it the most complex of the 3. For those who have been with AMOS since its
Creator days, you will know that Pro is much more friendlier to the AmigaOS
and to machines with differing configurations.
NOTE: Europress *AND* Francois Lionet have dropped all support for AMOS at this
^time. AMOS Pro was on a coverdisk. Source code may be released to a
small group for updating/fixing. We shall have to wait and see.
3) What is the latest versions?
As of August 7, 1995, they are:
AMOS The Creator v1.36
AMOS Compiler v1.36
AMOS Professional v2.0
AMOS Pro Compiler v2.0
4) Where can I get the updates?
There are many ways:
A) If you do not have FTP access, I can uuencode it and
email it to you
B) If you live in the USA, you can send me a disk and one
32 cent stamp for return postage and I will snail mail
it to you. Email me for my Snail Mail address.
If anyone knows of any other ways, please let me know so I can add it to the
To update to AMOS Pro v2.0, you must buy the Pro Compiler. I have not seen or
heard of any other way, so please correct me if I am wrong.
5) What extension slots are being used?
1+ Music or EME v4.64 Music or EME v4.64
2 Compact v1.2 Picture Compactor v2.00
3 Request v1.41 Requester v2.00
4 3D v1.00 3D v1.02AP
5 Compiler v1.36 Pro Compiler v2.00
6 Serial v1.2 IO Devices v2.00
7 TOME v4.24
8 CText v2.5
9 Range (AMOS Club Ext.) v2.8
10 Dump Lib
10 LDos v2.5 LDos v2.5
11 LSer v2.1 LSer v2.1
14- Intuition v1.3 Intuition v1.3
15 DSAM v???? DSAM v????
16* EasyLife v1.4b EasyLife v1.4b
18 CRAFT v1.00 CRAFT v1.00
19 MusiCRAFT v1.00 MusiCRAFT v1.00
20-* AMOS OS Interface v3.4 AMOS OS Interface v3.4
21* PRT_Extension v1.1 PRT_Extension v1.1
22* JD_Extension v4.6 JD_Extension v4.6
(+ = EME is Enhanced Music Extension and is a replacement of the Music.Lib)
(- = These are 2 Intuition extensions. Extension #14 is by Andrew Church and
is excellently easy!)
(* = Not official as far as I know, so the numbers may change)
(NOTE: Andrew's Intuition extension is now OFFICIAL! Also, v1.3 will be
released either the week of the Feb 6 or Feb 13.)
Please send me any corrections or additions.
6) What programs on the Internet are written in AMOS?
These files are on Aminet:
Filename Location Size Description
------------------ -------- ---- -----------
3DAmosDemo.lha dev/amos 11K 113+AMOS demo source of 3D game
Amastermind.lha game/board 124K 196+Mastermind type game written in AMOS. V1
amos-list.lha dev/amos 122K 113+Archive containing AMOS related e-mail d
AMOS-PD-CD.txt docs/rview 5K 45 Programmer: AMOS PD CD
Amos.guide02.lha dev/amos 64K 60+A amigaguide help file for amos v0.2
AMOS.txt docs/rview 13K 169 Programmer: AMOS: The Creator
AMOS3D.txt docs/rview 8K 169 Programmer: AMOS 3D and Compiler
AMOSClubUK.lha dev/amos 12K 95+How North American AMOS coders can join
AMOSList-0195.lzh dev/amos 183K 26+Messages about AMOS during January 1995
AMOSList-0694.lzh dev/amos 39K 57+Messages about AMOS during June 1994
AMOSList-0794.lzh dev/amos 112K 52+Messages about AMOS during July 1994
AMOSList-0894.lzh dev/amos 177K 48+Messages about AMOS during August 1994
AMOSList-0994.lzh dev/amos 132K 43+Messages about AMOS during September 199
AMOSList-1094.lzh dev/amos 160K 39+Messages about AMOS during October 1994
AMOSList-1194.lzh dev/amos 253K 35+Messages about AMOS during November 1994
AMOSList-1294.lzh dev/amos 97K 30+Messages about AMOS during December 1994
AMOSList0993.lzh dev/amos 335K 95+Archive of messages in September 93 on t
AMOSMEDPlayer.lha dev/amos 54K 146 MED player for AMOS
amosopal.lha gfx/board 12K 97+AMOS Extension to access Opal.library.
AMOSProfession.txt docs/rview 6K 144 Programmer: Amos Professional
amosutil.lha dev/amos 2K 174+Small AMOS tools
amtudemo.lha dev/amos 68K 88+Demo of AMTUITION, allows simulation of
Am_Mui10.lha dev/amos 65K 50+Use MUI from AMOSPro
APME13.lha dev/amos 39K 59+Multiple Env's For AMOSPro - Update
Atoms3a.lha game/misc 68K 43+Binary for AGA machines *sigh*
atoms3b.lha game/misc 68K 41+Binary for PAL AGA machines *sigh*
BootController.lha util/boot 63K 29+Password protction for Hard Drives.V1.2
chaneques_1.lha game/think 416K 45+Great puzzle game,good gfx,Disk 1/2,Amos
chaneques_2.lha game/think 397K 45+Great puzzle game,good gfx,Disk 2,Amos
CLR_Licensewar.lha dev/amos 23K 95+How to buy CLR Licenseware in North Amer
codefinder.lha game/board 90K 43+Mastermind type game
ColConqII_v11.lha game/think 342K 29+V1.1 of complex space strategy game.
Exit16v2.lha game/think 103K 34+Simple puzzle game written in AMOS.
fleetv1.lha game/think 264K 55+Tactical Starship Combat hex map game
FSelExt.lha dev/amos 1K 53+FSel Extension Procedures for AMOS and A
Grafik.lha gfx/fract 52K 37+Fractal-Pattern-Generator in AMOS (germa
gridloc.lha misc/sci 48K 47+(AMOS) Amateur Radio grid square calc
helpacc.lha dev/amos 65K 104+Add online help to AMOS v1.3x
HomeAccountant.lha biz/misc 124K 82+AGA Compatible!!! (with Source)
InterfaceDesgn.lha dev/amos 46K 44+User-interface-designer for amospro. v1.
jdlib4_6.lha dev/amos 269K 87+Add lots of commands to AMOS Pro! Extens
Jump.lha game/think 106K 37+A AMOS-Game in german...
Knights242.lha game/2play 223K 39+Two-player violent dungeon bashing
laby.lha dev/amos 47K 37+A simply labyrinth-maker in AMOS (German
ldosv25d.lha dev/amos 75K 146 new AMOS-commands. ARexx and MORE!
lserv25d.lha dev/amos 37K 146 new serial for AMOS. With XPR-support!
mapcreator.lha dev/amos 7K 42+Generates 2D overhead view terrain maps
mazegen.lha dev/amos 60K 126+Generate mazes for use with AMOS
MegaBlock2.lha game/think 371K 30+Best ever Amiga "Tetris" type game for
Memory.lha game/think 56K 37+Memory-Game in AMOS (Trimory-Version, ge
mimic.lha game/wb 101K 43+Simon type game for workbench
NTSC_PAL.lha dev/amos 5K 56+NTSC<>PAL switcher accessory for AMOSPro
Othello.lha dev/amos 3K 41+A conversion of the board game OTHELLO
PH_PROGS.lha dev/amos 11K 113+Five short usefull AMOS source programs
PongTourney1.0.lha game/misc 118K 57+Pre-release of AMOS Pong game.
ppAccessory10.lha dev/amos 43K 49+A set of AMOS Professional Accessory pro
ProcLib3.0.lha dev/amos 64K 67+A library of AMOS procedures
RainMaker2Demo.lha dev/amos 37K 140 AMOS utility for making rainbows
SampleBankEdit.lha dev/amos 103K 93+Requires EasyLife Extension
scrabble.lha game/2play 387K 45+Amiga Scrabble For 2-4 players - Great!!
SRM-V2_2.lha dev/amos 17K 62+An upgrade to the Resource Bank Maker
SRMv23.lha dev/amos 45K 35+An upgrade to the Resource Bank Maker
stars.lha dev/amos 7K 110+AGA Supporting AMOS extension with starf
strong1.lha dev/amos 94K 126+Demo using TURBO in AMOS
tamelibs.lha dev/amos 21K 125+Addendum to amos92.dms for TAME
tetronv14.lha game/misc 123K 134+Tetron 1.4 (Alchemy Software Development
TTT.lha game/think 48K 37+Tic-Tac-Toe in AMOS (V0.6, german)
TV125b.lha game/jump 154K 52+TechnoVenture v1.25b (Platform game)
VarCheck101.lha dev/amos 11K 50+Update to easylife variable checker
^AMCAFExt119.lha dev/amos 991K 0+A shareware version of the AMCAF ext
^AMCAFUpd120.lha dev/amos 121K 0+Fixes for the installer&misc of AMCAF
^AMOSList-0295.lzh dev/amos 197K 22+Messages about AMOS during February 1995
^AMOSList-0395.lzh dev/amos 100K 16+Messages about AMOS during March 1995
^AMOSList-0495.lzh dev/amos 100K 13+Messages about AMOS during April 1995
^AMOSList-0595.lzh dev/amos 122K 8+Messages about AMOS during May 1995
^AMOSList-0695.lzh dev/amos 156K 5+Messages about AMOS during June 1995
^AMOSList-0795.lzh dev/amos 154K 0+Messages about AMOS during July 1995
^anim2bob.lzh dev/amos 29K 5+Convert anim files to amos bob banks
^Easylife110pt1.lha dev/amos 92K 14+Upgrade/Bug Fix for Easylife version 1.1
^Easylife110_P1.lha dev/amos 269K 18+AMOSPro Extension + Accessories
^Easylife110_P2.lha dev/amos 144K 18+AMOSPro Extension + Accessories
^Easylife110_P3.lha dev/amos 214K 18+AMOSPro Extension + Accessories
^MazeTest.lha gfx/misc 114K 20+Iff map reading program in Amos
^MiscExt.lha dev/amos 5K 11+Extension for AMOS Pro
^msgportloc.lha dev/amos 6K 15+An AMOSPro application to find message (
^NFLStats22.lha biz/dbase 98K 6+V2.2 for if Raiders move to Oakland.
^PatgenV11Demo.lha gfx/fract 85K 29+Pattern Generator V1.1 Demo - Written in
^ppACC.lha dev/amos 31K 21+An accessory program to crunch and decru
^PrgCollection.lha dev/amos 661K 16+Many programs (mostly demos) for AMOS.
^tag-w-amos.lha game/2play 303K 4+TAG, with amos.library 2+
^UniWaveDemo.lha dev/amos 65K 16+Cool programming demo in AMOS!
^ZoneEditor3.lha dev/amos 65K 51+Includes Editor Enhancer.
Please email me with changes, adds, deletions, etc.
7) What AMOS clubs are there besides the AMOS UK club run by Aaron Fothergill?
Here is some info, furnished by Ryan Scott (rscott@gate.net):
Klub AMOS France
DP 133
18003 Bourges
Cedex France
++(33) 482 48375 FAX
Contact is Denis Bernard. I don't know what they do exactly.
Australian AMOS Club
PO Box 168
Willoughby Australia
NSW 2068
+61 2 528 2645 voice/FAX
Publish an excellent newsletter 4 x a year, have large PD library and
active users. Wayne Johnson is the editor.
The Mr AMOS Club
8 Magnolia Park
Northern Ireland
0232 626694
Excellent AMOS support in the UK and elsewhere. Provided by Brian Bell,
Mr AMOS himself. Publish an excellent disk magazine, and has PD.
PO Box 11434
Milwaukee WI 53211
Publish a bi-monthly newsletter. Mark Schultz, editor. Have AMOS PD.
Totally AMOS and the
Official AMOS PD Library
17 Wick Farm Road
St Lawrence Bay
Nr Southminster
Essex CM0 7PF UK
Publish Totally AMOS disk magazine, maintain the only 'official' AMOS PD
library with APD disks totalling over 600. Run by Anne Tucker, and Len
Brian Bell's Mr. AMOS Club (listed in section 7) were apparently robbed right
after they moved into a new building and did not have insurance. They lost
5000pounds worth of equipment and have had to sell the rights to Charlie Chimp
I and II, and Spacefighter to get some minimal equipment. Their PD disk has
stoppped as of issue 6. No word as to whether or not they will start again.
AMOS IN ACTION by Len Tucker. Published by KUMA.
AMIGA GAME MAKER'S MANUAL by Stephen Hill. Published by SIGMA.
ULTIMATE AMOS by Jason Holborn. Published by Amiga Format (Future)
10) AmiNet Sites
Country Machine Name IP address Directory
USA (MO) ftp.wustl.edu pub/aminet/
USA (TX) ftp.etsu.edu pub/aminet/
USA (WI) ftp.netnet.net pub/aminet/
Scandinavia ftp.luth.se pub/aminet/
Switzerland ftp.eunet.ch pub/aminet/
Switzerland ftp.math.ethz.ch pub/aminet/
Switzerland litamiga.epfl.ch pub/aminet/ (*)
Germany ftp.uni-paderborn.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.uni-erlangen.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.uni-bielefeld.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.uni-oldenburg.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.uni-kl.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.uni-stuttgart.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.uni-siegen.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.stud.fh-heilbronn.de pub/aminet/
Germany ftp.tu-chemnitz.de pub/aminet/
UK ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk pub/aminet/
UK micros.hensa.ac.uk pub/aminet/
(*) closed 6:30am to 4pm weekdays
or try Searching gopherspace with ARCHIE, VERONICA, or JUGHEAD!
End of FAQ